Personal Injury And Med Legal Specialist

Sohail Shayfer, M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgeon located in Encino, CA
If you have an injury, it’s important to have a thorough examination with a physician who specializes in personal injury and medical-legal issues. In Encino, California, you can meet with board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Sohail Shayfer. With his extensive background in evaluating and treating injuries, you can get the comprehensive care you need. Schedule your exam online at Sohail Shayfer, MD Inc. or call the office at 818-981-3688 to schedule an appointment.
Personal Injury and Med Legal Q & A
Why do I need a personal injury exam?
Going through any sort of trauma is stressful enough. Then you have to deal with insurance companies and attorneys, just to help process your claim. Part of the entire process involves having a comprehensive personal injury exam.
This evaluation is essential for determining the extent of your injuries, required treatment plan, and projected outcome — all information the insurance company needs to know. You might need a personal injury exam if you had a:
- Slip and fall
- Car accident
- Severe dog bite
- Assault or battery incident
Dr. Shayfer is an expert at performing these specialized types of exams and communicating with third-party companies, including insurance agents. Dr. Shayfer even accepts liens to take the financial burden off your plate, so you only have to focus on your recovery.
What happens during my personal injury evaluation?
Dr. Shayfer evaluates your previous medical history and any reports pertaining to the incident. After talking with you and learning about how your personal injury occurred, your current symptoms, and daily limitations, Dr. Shayfer performs a physical examination. He will:
- Observe you walk or stand
- Eamine your injured body part(s) thorougly
It’s also common to have digital X-ray or ultrasound imaging, even if you had them right after your accident. Updated X-rays or ultrasounds — processed right in the office — allow Dr. Shayfer to see how well you’ve recovered, or determine if you’re getting worse.
How do I prepare for my personal injury appointment?
The more information you can bring with you to your appointment with Dr. Shayfer, the faster he can get started on your medical and legal claim paperwork. If possible, it’s helpful to bring the following items to your personal injury evaluation.
- Valid photo government-issued identification
- Insurance card (if you have insurance)
- Paperwork from the insurance company or attorney
- Emergency room or urgent care report
- Imaging, including X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans (both report and the images usually on a CD)
Dr. Shayfer wants you to focus on your recovery first and foremost. He can still evaluate you and get you started on treatment, even if you don’t have all of your recommended paperwork available yet.
Book your personal injury evaluation with Dr. Shayfer as soon as possible. You can either request an appointment online or call the office.